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   Home -› Sammelbilder Trade cards -› S Arbuckle -› Delaware Chromolithic Trade Card No. 22 Arbuckle Coffee 1892

Trade Card No. 22 from the Arbuckle Coffee Company. "One of a series of 50 cards giving a pictorial history of the United States and Territories". This is a unique and wonderfully illustrated card. On the reverse of the card are a few advertising words for Arbuckle Coffee plus a short history on the state of Delaware. Chromolithographie Chromolithography out of a scrapbook, 1892, 0,3 x 0,5 inch/76 x 127 mm. Illustrations are bright and clean.

DELAWARE is the smallest State in the Union. It was named after Lord De La Warr, the first governor of Virginia, one of whose navigators, Captain Argall, named Delaware Bay in honor of his chief, and the title was gradually transferred to the peninsula. Hendrik Hudson discovered Delaware Bay in 1609, a year before Captain Argall sailed up the lonely expanse. The first white settlers were De Vries and thirty-two Hollanders, who founded a colony near the site of Lewes in 1631. These pioneers were all massacred by the Indians. In 1638 Peter Minuit was sent out by Queen Christina to found here "a country in which every man should be free to worship God as he chose." He build Fort Christina on the the site of Wilmington, and garrisoned it with sturdy Swedes and Finns. In 1651 Governor Stuyvesant came around from New Amsterdam and erected Fort Casimir, on the site of New Castle, to hold these Baltic men in check, but on Trinity Sunday of 1654 they swarmed into the new fortress and raised over it the banner of Sweden. Finally, however, the Dutch conquered.
In 1682 Delaware was granted to William Penn. Delaware entered earnestly into the Revolution, and Washington's army lay about Wilmington before the battle of Brandywine. Delaware was one of the original thirteen States, and the first to ratify the Constitution. After the Secession troubles began, Delaware refused to join the South and sent nine regiments into the national army.




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