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   Home -› Sammelbilder Trade cards -› S Arbuckle -› Massachusetts Chromolithic Trade Card No. 7 Arbuckle Coffee 1892

Trade Card No. 7 from the Arbuckle Coffee Company. "One of a series of 50 cards giving a pictorial history of the United States and Territories". This is a unique and wonderfully illustrated card with spinning wheel Spinnrad. On the reverse of the card are a few advertising words for Arbuckle Coffee plus a short history on the state of Massachusetts. Chromolithographie Chromolithography out of a scrapbook, 1892, 0,3 x 0,5 inch/76 x 127 mm. Illustrations are bright and clean.

THE Pilgrim Fathers sailed from Delft in the "Mayflower" for America and landed (102 in number) at new Plymouth. Half of them died the first winter. The Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded at Salem by John Endicott in 1628, and in 1630 Gov. John Winthrop and seventeen ship-loads of colonists came over, and the capital was transferred, first to Mishantum, which was re-named Charlestown, and next to the Indian cornfields of Shaqmut (then re-named Boston). Another and much smaller colony secured a grant from the Earl of Stirling of the islands of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard, and held them under the government of New York until 1695, when they were ceded to Massachusetts.
The Bay colonists, more wealthy, influential and energetic than those of Plymouth, were also less lenient and liberal. Their chief motive in self-exile lay in securing freedom to worship God in their own way. They banished certain people who differed with them in doctrine, such as the Antinomians and the Quakers. Then followed the terrible witchcraft delusion, wherein so-alleged witches were put to death at Salem. When the settlements began to encroach on their domains, the Indian tribes rose in arms, and there followed a long series of terrible wars between 1637 (the Pequot War) and 1760 (the conquest of Canada). On the soil of this State occurred the first battles of the Revolutionary War, in which the larger part of the army was composed of Massachusetts men.
When the Secession War broke out in 1861, the Massachusetts militia was the first to respond to the President's call for troops, armed and equipped in all points, ready for the field.




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