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   Home -› Sammelbilder Trade cards -› S Arbuckle -› Nevada Chromolithic Trade Card No. 27 Arbuckle Coffee 1892

Trade Card No. 27 from the Arbuckle Coffee Company. "One of a series of 50 cards giving a pictorial history of the United States and Territories". This is a unique and wonderfully illustrated card with gold-digger Goldsucher Goldgräber donkey Esel. On the reverse of the card are a few advertising words for Arbuckle Coffee plus a short history on the state of Nevada. Chromolithographie Chromolithography out of a scrapbook, 1892, 0,3 x 0,5 inch/76 x 127 mm. Illustrations are bright and clean.

IN 1825 forty trappers from the Yellowstone, under the leadership of Jedediah S. Smith, followed the Humboldt River from its source to its fall into the Great Basin, thence across the sage-brush plains they journeyed, then climbed the mighty Sierras, until there was set before them the broad valleys of California. Ogden visited Humboldt in 1831; Bonneville and Kit Carson in 1833, and in 1834 Captain Bartleson led the first company across the Great Basin. In 1843-45 the camp-fires of Fremont darted rays of light along the track of the pioneers of 1825. Prior to the discovery of silver, there was little or no inducement for settlement within the State of Nevada, and although the overland army of gold-seekers made an almost continuous line across the continent, the first mail line between Sacramento and Salt Lake City was not established until 1851. Rich deposits of sulphate of silver were discovered in the year 1858, and in the following year the rush to the Washoe mines was fairly commenced. In the year 1861 quartz-mills were erected and machinery transported across the mountains. The white metal soon began to be circulated in vast and increasing fullness into the channels of the world's commerce, and likewise sustaining the credit of the nation while in great peril. Nevada has lost a large share of her population in recent years, and at present the main hope seems to be in the remonetization of silver, or else in the development of an extensive system of irrigation.




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